VAT Refund Review
Where a client transitions to Taxmatic from a different service provider, we offer a historic VAT refund review.
From our experience, a lot of automated VAT service providers do not provide full and complete services when it comes to claiming locally incurred VAT through purchases and import VAT.
It is estimated that up to €20 billion of VAT goes un-claimed in the EU each year. Many businesses miss out on this due to lack of awareness, therefore not provided their service provider with the required documentation to claim back this VAT incurred.
Where a non-EU business holds inventory in an EU fulfilment centre, they often incur import VAT when shipping their product into the warehouse. This import VAT is refundable through your VAT filings.
At Taxmatic, we have assisted several clients in reclaiming large amounts of VAT that they were not even aware that they were entitled to.
Our fee for this service is 12% of any refund received from the review carried out.
Connect with Taxmatic to review VAT Refunds.

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