Keeping your brand fully VAT compliant, always.

About Taxmatic

Expand your online business by automating VAT registrations, calculations, filings, and payments, across Europe.

Established success in eCommerce

The Taxmatic team combines the principles of great design in our tech approach and our customer success services. This approach evolved from our own experience founding, growing, and expanding our own eCommerce businesses. In 2014, our founders created online stores selling seasonal gifts to an international customer base.

The team extended business services to become a specialist third party logistics provider (3PL), for online retail brands. Since 2018, these 3PL services have successfully supported international eCommerce brands with a combination of customised inventory, packaging, and delivery services all managed across a single fulfilment Cloud platform.

How Taxmatic works

Taxmatic tightly integrates with your online store to simply calculate and file returns in all your European markets. The Taxmatic solution eliminates repetitive, manual processes for VAT compliance, saving busy online retailers time and effort. It also eases any anxiety over future tax audits, with all online records stored securely in the Cloud. Learn more here. 

The Taxmatic management team

Ger Egan

Chief Financial Officer

Ger is an international finance executive, leading financial planning, process excellence and continuous improvement programs at Taxmatic.  He has held leadership roles in both global corporations and SME businesses, across supply chain management and manufacturing.  Ger’s direct experience managing challenges and growth opportunities for eCommerce retail brands, ensures Taxmatic scales to meet rapid business expansion.

John O’Gorman

Chief Executive Officer

John is a technology innovator, leading business development and solution strategy for Taxmatic. In previous roles, John led development of online payments solutions, including integrations with eCommerce platforms and financial applications.  He is also establishing new tech and finance partnerships that will deliver real value to Taxmatic customers, now and in the future.

Ken Byrne


Ken is a business creator of successful start-ups in eCommerce retail and fulfilment sectors.  The development of Taxmatic has come directly from the requirements of business leaders looking for a scalable VAT management solution when expanding their eCommerce operations. Ken and all the team are fully focused on making eCommerce retailers successful by delivering business value with innovative technology.

Ready to grow your business?

Start your tax compliance journey here - then get back to growing your business.

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